Download some of our templates or get our More Sales, Less Stress eBook.
Welcome to our resources page. Here you will find templates that you can use within your business to help with your digital marketing, as well as our More Sales, Less Stress eBook.
Use this tool to plan out your content each month. It will give you structure and take away the stress of always having to think of something at the last minute.
Use our Profile template to understand who your customers are. Bring them to life, so you know who to target in your marketing.
Use our Customer Journey Map template to understand the path your prospects and customers go through when buying from you. Identify their goals and pain points, so you can be the solution to their problems.
Whether you own a shop, you’re a tradie or you’re a service business like a hairdresser or accountant, this book will give you a whole new perspective on digital marketing. It will show you how to use data and technology systems to get more customers and increase sales.
Join our FREE Facebook Group – Marketing Strategy for Small Business – to get tips, advice and your digital marketing questions answered.